Thursday, April 25, 2013

The story Behind-Tinkers Magical Junk Trunk-

Hello..Thought I would share the story behind how Tinkers Magical Junk trunk came to what it is today..

When my oldest was young she was very very picky about anything in her hair,but being a typical mom I wanted pretties in her hair..So I started to make what I called accent pins. (pic below)..These were so fun and addicting to make and she never fought me on wearing them..They could slide in her hair with easy and come out with ease..I began to make lots of them.Then later down the line my youngest was born and made her bows and accent pins.So thus is where some of my designs started..(Picture of youngest in the pins below)..Then oldest wanted jewelry once she was out of bow stage..and I love to craft I thought why not..I started making all kinds of stuff selling to friends I used to play Sorority life with on good old any one remember those days..I just kept making and making more and more stuff for my girls and some stuffed pillows for my son..It was getting out of control lol..One day I was talking with my oldest daughter and she was saying friends wanted my stuff and I should sell it..I went back and forth on if I should or not..You know am I good enough ect.. I talked with my Sl girlies online by then the game lost its fun and we were all on facebook now as friends..They gave me confidence to think more about it..

So the moment it became ~Tinkers Magical Junk Trunk~

My kids and hubby kept saying why not..what will it hurt.. answer was nothing I was just scared..So me and my daughter started to think of names,friends online started to help me..One friend offered to come on with me so it would be less scary..(Jamie love ya for it girl sad you didn't stay) anyways I have been know as TinkerB**** (sorry being truthful) for a loong time.. My girls always called my stuff the stuff in the magical Junk trunk lol (it was in bins and they had to dig in them for the stuff)..So oldest said use Tinkers Magical Junk trunk its funny and fun.. Then that night on Jan 7,2012 Tinkers was born...Now it is my baby..I have grown and gotten some great friendships from my Junkies (nickname for my customers)..And all I see now is a wonderful,beautiful place for people to get my goodies made with love and for me to build bonds with them..makes me teary and so thankful for this all becoming what is is today!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Been so busy with making new home for spring break...and just life in general..I miss you my Junkies..Trying to set up a schedule for my blogging so it may stay regular..Often I become so swamped time gets away with me..What is on your agenda for today??